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Onsite Wastewater Practitioner
Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training
The Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management Association provides an excellent industry training program for Onsite Wastewater Professionals throughout Western Canada through its Saskatchewan chapter, the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Management Association. This training is recognized in the Western Provinces through the New West Partnership Agreement (formerly TILMA). It is also recognized federally through the Agreement on Internal Trade. This training program has been found to meet or exceed the requirements of the Agreement on Internal Trade and the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement.
If you are interested in attending the available training sessions, please complete the registration form which follows and click the register button to submit registration payment. Space in the training sessions is limited and is allotted on a first come, first served basis. Upon receipt of the completed form and payment for training, your course supplies will be sent to you for review prior to training. A minimum class of fifteen paid participants is required in order for the class to take place.
The Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program is a ten-day course, including a site and soils day. You must complete all ten days of training successfully in order to receive certification.
Training Documentation
Training Registration
Training Dates to be Announced
Training fees must be received in our office prior to the course date.
For questions contact our office:
1 306 988 2102
1 855 872 2650
Field Training / Workshops
Registration Forms
- Site & Soils Evaluation Field Days
- Mound Installation Demo
The next available training session date is:
February 6 – 8, 13 – 15, & 20 – 22, 2025
Training fees must be received in our office prior to the course date.
For questions contact our office:
1 306 988 2102
1 855 872 2650