SOWMA Education Series

A series of Education Days were held across the province in the first two weeks of April. Sessions were held in North Battleford, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Melfort, and Weyburn. As well, SOWMA participated in and provided a presentation at the Regina Qu’appelle Health Region Contractor’s Education Day.

These education days were very well attended with a total of 200 contractors and health officers participating overall. Representatives from the various health regions provided sessions on regulation and permitting, while SOWMA representatives provided sessions on site and soils evaluation and system design. Vendor sponsors provided additional presentations on system design for proprietorial products and tools of the trade; products and systems available to contractors.

Education days such as this are only possible through the generous donations from industry manufacturers and suppliers. SOWMA would like to thank the following sponsors of this education series:

Anderson Pump House
Aqua Pump House
EMCO Corp Ltd.
FRP Manufacturing (2010) Ltd.
Polywest Liquid Handling Products
Wig’s Pumps

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