SOWMA Education Days


The Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Management Association hosted a series of education days throughout the province during the second and third weeks of April. The focus for this year’s Education Days was: Key Changes to the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Disposal Guide.

Participants at the Educations Days worked through the changes to the guide with the facilitator, focusing on updated design and documentation requirements in preparation for the upcoming installation season.

Significant changes have been implemented with regards to tank sizing, linear loading site and soils evaluation processes and documentation to name a few.

Sessions were held in Swift Current, Regina, Weyburn, Prince Albert, Saskatoon and North Battleford. A total of 152 people took part in these sessions.

Copies of the presentation and worksheets will be uploaded to the SOWMA website shortly.

SOWMA would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of these events:

  • Aquifer Distribution Ltd. (Wig’s Pumps)
  • Anderson Pump House
  • Aqua Pump House
  • EMCO
  • FRP Manufacturing (2010) Ltd.
  • Souris Valley Industries
  • HCT Sustainables
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