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Site & Soils Field Training (Estevan)

April 21, 2017 
Estevan, SK

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A site and soils field training day is being planned for Estevan. This is a live site, so a few weeks following the site and soils evaluation, a system installation will also take place. During the course of the field day, participants will focus on soil evaluation identifying characteristics that affect sewage systems, including:

  • Understanding the general method of how to evaluate soil characteristics that affect water movement.

o Excavation of the soil pit – depth, location (don’t ruin site)

o Available tools – soil auger, probe

o Basic knowledge of how to examine the soil profile and identify

o Major soil structure features (why it is important is covered in soil/water)

o Colour – mottles and gleyed soils (washed out gray) identified high water table or saturated soils (reason saturated/unsaturated flow in previous module)

o Soil texture, make up of sand/silt/clay, don’t count gravel component

o Effect of gravel component

o Where to take sample

o Basic hand texturing procedures

o Trial hand texturing

o Lab testing availability and basic knowledge of lab testing method

o Recognize changes in soil horizons and understand effect on sewage system design.

o Soils logging using various soils logs

o Understanding and application of the soil texture triangle.

o Ability to determine effluent-loading rate for a soil texture set in Standard of Practice.

o Knowledge of restricting/limiting layers and ability to recognize major characteristics.

o Ability to recognize major soil characteristic and determine soil effluent loading rates or limitations.



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