Mound Installation with Site and Soils Evaluation Field Training

Onsite wastewater practitioners had the opportunity to participate in a mound installation just outside Saskatoon city limits on September 25. Twenty participants engaged in the evaluation of a soils pit on the site, followed by the construction of a mound being built to replace an already existing mound in a state of failure.

SOWMA would like to thank the following member sponsors for their support of this event:

Infiltrator Water Technologies – provided the infiltration chambers for the pressure distribution system

FRP Manufacturing (2010) Ltd. – provided the soils instructor for the soils demo

Seeley Engineering (Western Water Solutions) – provided morning coffee and muffins

Additional sponsorship:

D & L Fibreglass Products Ltd. – provided lunch

Special Thanks:

City of Saskatoon – provided all the berm material for the mound system

Thanks as well to Links Backhoe & Skidsteer Service for providing the site, equipment and installation expertise which allowed this training event to happen. 

The next practical training session has not been announced yet but stay tuned.

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