Mound Field Training Opportunity

The Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Management Association will be holding a Mound Installation Field Day for those interested in learning more about designing and installing mounds. Registrants participating in this training session will focus on the following outcomes:

1. Understand the basic principles of how mounds work – treatment in sand layer  and dispersal horizontally. Apply soil evaluation information. Understand ground water mounding.

2. Learn mound design configurations and materials; sand layer, fill, gravel, chambers.

3. Basic knowledge of utilizing topography of installation site.

4. Know factors in locating the mound – slope vs. level, clearance separations, vertical separations, fill materials for raised bed.

5. Ability to design pressure distribution laterals for mound, orientation of orifices, spacing, preferred vs. cost.

6. Knowledge of and ability to apply requirements of Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Disposal Guide

  • Ability to interpret mound design worksheet
  • Ability to complete mound design worksheet

7. Ability to describe construction practices.

8. Ability to perform clarity test on sand.

9. Identify typical mound failure.

10. Ability to apply soil characteristics at site to mound design, identify key material requirements and calculate mound size.


Where:                     Saskatoon Region
When:                      October 10, 2014   
Time:                        8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Weather:                 Training will take place regardless of weather

Registration Fee: Members – $275.00 + GST
Non-members – $375.00 + GST

Space is limited to 20 people so save your spot now.

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