Ministry of Health Survey

The Ministry of Health is conducting a survey in order to gather suggested changes to the Private Sewage Regulation and the Shoreland Pollution Control Regulation.

The survey has been emailed and mailed out to a list of contractors and suppliers for their response, however it is also uploaded on the Ministry’s website for anyone interested.  If you would like to participate in the survey it can be accessed at

For PDF downloads, click on the following links:

Initial Stakeholder Consultation Letter
Pre-consultation Survey

This is a rare opportunity for onsite wastewater stakeholders to provide input on regulatory change that impacts the industry.  Please take time to provide your feedback, or contact the SOWMA office to have your comments and concerns included in the association’s response.  Comments and suggestions should not be limited to the regulations, but should include suggested improvements for the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Disposal Guideline, as that document supports the regulations.

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