Is Your Membership Up-to-Date?

The SOWMA Annual General Meeting will take place in Saskatoon in April during the series of Education Days the Association offers each year.  Members in good standing are eligible to vote and to run for positions on the Board of Directors.  Don’t miss out on your opportunity to have a voice in how your association is managed.  Make sure your membership is up-to-date!

The Value of Membership in Your Industry Association

The focus of your industry association is to engage in activities that directly benefit the membership. There is no other purpose for this, or any association for that matter, to exist other than to serve the membership. That said, we get asked all the time: OK so you “serve the membership”, what does membership do for me? Let me share some of what we do and the benefit to you:

Training: We are in the process of updating the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program to meet the new Ministry of Health Guidelines.  Trained and certified contractors demonstrate the professionalism of our industry.  SOWMA members receive reduced rates on training!

Industry Relationships: We continue to foster positive forward-looking relationships with all other stakeholder groups in the Province. This ensures the individual member’s voice can be heard in the right place at the right time. Your concerns and needs are addressed, whether at the Ministry level or with regional municipalities and districts. Membership gives you a seat at the table!

Regulation and Certification: Your association maintains positive relationships with the regulatory bodies that impact the onsite wastewater industry. We invite you, the member, to provide us with your thoughts which we can then bring to the table. This is an extremely important service as it goes to protecting our members from well-meaning, but possibly negative changes to the regulations that we all must live by. Membership gives you a voice!

Onsite Informer Magazine, Newsletters and Web Site: Information is the name of the game for anyone in business. SOWMA works hard to bring you all the latest information on products, services, construction techniques, events and industry wide news. We connect you with our sister organizations across Western Canada as well as with onsite associations east to the Atlantic and south throughout the US for the latest in onsite. Membership keeps you informed!

Education Days: Each year, your association puts together a program of educational updates to keep members up-to-date with regulatory changes, new technologies and to refresh their skills in anticipation of the upcoming season. These education days provide an opportunity to discuss industry concerns and challenges with your fellow contractors, inspectors and the association. Membership gives you a community!

Our goal is to promote a strong industry for our membership. We firmly believe there is strength in numbers as numbers help us promote a stronger industry which benefits every one of our members. Help us to help the industry through your membership!

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