Convention 2014 News Update

SOWMA is pleased to host Jerry Tyler as our Keynote Speaker at the upcoming convention and trade show in Saskatoon.

Jerry Tyler is President of Tyler and Associates Inc. and Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. For over thirty years Jerry did research about the acceptance and treatment of onsite wastewater by soil and provided training within Wisconsin about soil and site evaluation and design selection for wastewater treatment systems. Besides working on the Wisconsin Mound and At-Grade Manuals he developed tables of basal and linear loading rates based on soil morphological characteristics. Jerry also taught undergraduate and graduate classes in soil science. He is now developing design separation distances based on soil morphology, wastewater design loading rates and wastewater qualities between jobs solving site specific problems related to water movement in soil as a consultant. Jerry continues to provide training about the use of soil for the treatment of onsite wastewater in the classroom, field and with his traveling soil laboratory.

Jerry will open with a Keynote and follow his morning presentation with an afternoon soils workshop.

This year’s convention program offers plenty of opportunity to increase your knowledge level while networking with your
fellow onsite wastewater stakeholders.

The program begins in the afternoon on Friday, March 14 with the opening remarks followed by a design workshop. Participate in this program that will review design procedures and practices for fields, pressure distribution, and Type 1 and 2 mounds.

After a short break, the program continues with a session on costing. How much does it really cost you as a contractor to install that system? How much profit or mark up should there be? What is the standard in the industry? Is there a standard? This interactive workshop will answer all those questions and more.

Following the costing workshop the Trade Show opens with a Meet and Greet in the Trade Show hall. Join your fellow delegates for some networking while viewing the booths.

On Saturday, March 15 we begin the day with breakfast and the Annual General Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend the AGM. Elections will be held at this time.

Following breakfast, Jerry Tyler opens the program with the keynote presentation. Following the keynote, the Trade Show will open and technical presentations offered by industry suppliers will take place throughout the morning.

After lunch, Jerry will offer a comprehensive workshop on the use of soils information in system design and how different types of soils may inhibit the system’s ability to function.

The Trade Show will remain open until 3 pm. The convention will close at 4:30 pm.

We hope you will join us and participate in this annual event. Come and learn, share and network!  Registration is available online.

We look forward to seeing you March 14-15, 2014 in Saskatoon!

Need more information? Check out the trade show & convention page. 

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