Are You Struggling With the Changes to the New Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Disposal Guide?

Contractors needing help applying the new requirements under the SOWDG are encouraged to contact the association for support.

While the changes to the SOWDG may seem to be significant, in fact many of the “changes” in the 2019 SOWDG, were already in the 2009 SOWDG, they were just ‘shoulds’ instead of ‘shalls’.

Now that things like linear loading and detailed site evaluations are a requirement, it seems like a big change, but those were already incorporated in the old guideline as best practices and recommended for Type II mounds and difficult sites.

If you need worksheets or soils logs to help with the design process, or support in applying the Guideline, we are here to help. Just give us a call: 1.855.872.2650.

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