2011 Advisory Council Elected for Saskatchewan

A new advisory council was elected for the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Management Association (SOWMA) during the first Annual General Meeting held in Saskatoon on February 18. The Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Management Association is the Saskatchewan Chapter of the Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management Association. The Advisory Council provides representation to WCOWMA members and industry stakeholders in Saskatchewan and represents the industry at the Board level. The new Advisory Council members are:

Greg Plett gplett@sowma.com
Blaine Radics    bradics@sowma.com  
Dean Van Impe dvanimpe@sowma.com
Travis Wolfe     twolfe@sowma.com
Kris Zaleschuk kzaleschuk@sowma.com


 The Advisory Committee will hold its first meeting on April 13 in Saskatoon.  If you have any concerns you wish to have addressed by the Advisory Council, please email one of the members above.

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